A Quinnipiac poll released July 30th, 2019 , found that 51% of Americans believe yes, Trump is a racist, and 45% believe no, Trump is not a racist. When you break it down by race, 80% of Black Americans, but only 46% of White Americans, think Trump is racist. Men are by far the least likely to believe Trump is a racist at only 38%. That means a sizable majority of white males are going to be my ideological enemy. I've made it clear that Donald Trump is a traitor, a fraud, a liar, a crook, and a criminal. I've made it clear I believe Mitch McConnell to be the Neo-Confederate leader who has allied with Russia to infiltrate the US government and replace it with the Neo-Confederacy. I've made it clear I believe the GOP to be a reincarnation of the Confederacy, and they have no qualms about working with Russia to overthrow the US Constitution and install themselves as masters. Robert Mueller's report leave no doubt the Trump administration is corrupt to ...