6/3/20 A Smoke Stepped outside for a smoke. White neighbor-lady also went out to smoke tobacco. She said she finally got her hair done, only cost her $17 bucks. Nice, I say. Then she says, well it was my granddaughter who did it, and we all have a chuckle. She says she's getting tired of the riots, that they're destroying stores but they leave alone the marijuana dispensaries. She says this as I'm smoking a joint. I shrug my shoulders and say, well there's a difference between protestors and looters. They're not connected. In fact, 3 people got arrested in Las Vegas who were against Black Lives Matters, and they were trying to start violence. She shrugs and says she's seen a lot of videos of an-TEEfa paying people to destroy things. I have to ask her what she's talking about when she says anTEEfa...do you mean Anti-Fa? Anti-fascists? She shrugs and says she doesn't know. I ask her if she knows what is a fascist and she says yes. I tell...