Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s07 e30 - Tumbling Rubles John Durham gets grilled by House Dems. Review how Donald Trump stole the 2016 election with Russia's help. Paul Manafort, Konstantin Kilimnik, the aborted Russian mutiny, Prigozhin, RFK JR is a nazi. Livestream recording of RED STONE LAPIS LAZULI episode Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 9.5k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS quality main RADEON 7900 XTX Spoutible Mastodon Twitch YouTube: NOTES: John Durham Admits He Knows Little About Russia Scandal No wonder he thought the FBI was doing a witch hunt against Trump. By Jonathan Chait - emptywheel: A GUIDE TO THE FALSE CLAIMS JOHN DURHAM WILL TELL CONGRESS House Committee Video Clips liberated from Aaron Rupar: Sub...