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Showing posts from April, 2024

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e21- Compare and Contrast

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e21- Compare and Contrast Compare the way armed insurrectionists attempting to overthrow the USA were able to walk out of the Capitol after their violent attack with the way non-violent anti-genocide protestors are attacked by the police, and it will reveal the white supremacist nature of American society.  Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e20 - The Disconnect

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e20 - The Disconnect Putin Republicans howl with anger when USA sends aid to Ukraine. Zionists continue their genocide with US support despite the majority of Americans being opposed. Trump finally goes to trial.  Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e19 - Provocateurs

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e19 - Provocateurs Bad actors dress up and cause problems to give the state an excuse to crack down. Compromised Republicans do the bidding of Russia and Putin. Joe Biden vs the non-voter. What is your integrity worth? Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX

Red Stone Lapis Lauzli s08 e18 - The Cutoff

Red Stone Lapis Lauzli s08 e18 - The Cutoff Republicans are on Team Russia against the United States. Joe Biden burns US credibility to defend an ongoing genocide. They SAY the economy is good, but inflation is wrecking the average American. Then my computer crashed.  Found a website  and followed advice. I increased DRAM voltage by 0.05 and reduced the curve optimizer to -28 and that seems to have fixed my crashing problems.  Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e17 - The Two-Tiered System

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e17 - The Two-Tiered System Is it Donald Trump's corruption, or the underlying white supremacist nature of the US system that allows for rich white criminals to act with impunity? Biden and Bibi hand-in-hand committing genocide in Palestine. Dark times.  Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX