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Showing posts from May, 2024

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli - s08 e24 - Delay of Justice

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli - s08 e24 - Delay of Justice Justice delayed is justice denied. See how Trump uses corrupted judges and party members to delay his court cases. Understand how the January 6th insurrection was just a cover to delay the vote until Alito could issue an injunction and override the election, in a re-hash of the 2000 election. Look at Biden's foreign policy of genocide. Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX
Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e23 - The Past Hasn't Passed As we barrel towards the election in November 2024, recall how Trump worked with Russia to overthrow the election of 2016. Biden's foreign policy choices threaten his presidency.  Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e22 - Words Have Meaning

Red Stone Lapis Lazuli s08 e22 - Words Have Meaning The US government attempts to re-define words to suit its political agenda, and the fascists love it. Biden gives cover to fascist groups to violently attack the anti-genocide protestors. Trump, of course, is the leader of the fascists, making Biden's choices all the more perplexing.  Encoding with OBS AMD HW-AV1 @ 15k bitrate 1440p @ 60 FPS CBR and High Quality; RADEON 7900 XTX